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Simple video game (non digital version)

Simple video game (non digital version)

因每個星期日,小朋友們都要和大人一起坐一起崇拜,聽牧師講道成兩小時. 你會想,2.5歲既小朋友同5歲既小朋友又如何坐定定呢? 好奈之前只有囡囡時,出街食飯都會帶Busy Bag.所以我office有好多自整”玩意”. 我同先生都係從事IT呢一行,一直都想小朋友到6歲先接觸電子產品,不過現實係無咩可能. 而且,大囡從tablet學得更加多,言語,社交同埋creativity一直都係進步,沒有社會上提到既影響,而且我一直都MON住佢每日既development,有d咩影響我又點會唔知.大囡自己既self...
Fall Scavenger Hunt

Fall Scavenger Hunt

Fall is here! I have made a Fall theme learning shelf for the kids to play and learn. When I was cleaning up the shelf today, Mr 2.5 saw that I took the sensory box I made for Fall theme and he decided to play again with it. My Fall sensory box has leaves (in...
Allowances or Responsibility?

Allowances or Responsibility?

So when my current 4 years old was 2, we decided to start to develop her “economic” sense, so I made all these pictures and “coins” chart. You picked one of the chores and then you did it and you would earn the numbers of “coins”...
Importance of homeschooling

Importance of homeschooling

其實自家教學重要既唔係家長有幾高的學歷,同有幾叻,教小朋友最重要既係,家長的耐性同心機. 相入面既係我前幾日準備教囡囡 H for Hat的Gross Motor (大肌的)的游戲,有時候家長唔需要用好多錢都可以教到小朋友. 我用一個唔再用的container,撕去招紙再油上Cat in the Hat的顏色帽, 加上一個紙碟就變成一頂帽. 再把豆放入氣球入面做成豆袋就完成一個大肌的遊戲.       The most important thing about homeschooling is...
Homeschooling; easy or not?

Homeschooling; easy or not?

有朋友問我自家教學難唔難,我唔係太答到,因為我不是一個好有經驗的自家教學的媽媽。 我的大囡係Pre K的小朋友,要教的東西其實唔需要阿爸阿媽有大學學位去教。 Pre K小朋友其實多數都應該係去玩多d,特別呢個歲數的小朋友根本無可能會坐定定及有專注力去”聽書”。 同埋如果唔係社會推出黎,咁細個真係無需要咁快去學ABC. 你會問點解我又咁早教我小朋友,因為佢好奇心超強,咁佢自己2歲未夠又自學晒,認得晒所有的顏色的名,英文字 及數字,所以佢無新的挑戰或新的東西去學佢會好悶。 係普通的Pre...