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Homeschooling; easy or not?

Apr 21, 2017 | Homeschooling

我的大囡係Pre K的小朋友,要教的東西其實唔需要阿爸阿媽有大學學位去教。
Pre K小朋友其實多數都應該係去玩多d,特別呢個歲數的小朋友根本無可能會坐定定及有專注力去”聽書”。
你會問點解我又咁早教我小朋友,因為佢好奇心超強,咁佢自己2歲未夠又自學晒,認得晒所有的顏色的名,英文字 及數字,所以佢無新的挑戰或新的東西去學佢會好悶。
係普通的Pre K課程大概分呢幾類的範圍教小朋友的:
  1. 對同錯
  2. 認字同聲
  3. 顏色
  4. 數字
  5. 數數字
  6. 剪野
  7. 畫野
  8. 開始寫或tracing
  9. 生活knowledge
  10. 欣賞藝術
  11. 欣賞大自然
  12. 細肌肉發展
  13. 讀故仔書
  14. 大肌肉發展
我的自家教學係Custom Made。每一日只係坐 15-20分鐘 “上堂”, 我地其實係由遊戲中學習,囡囡知道係上堂,但係我地係用玩具去學習,無exercise book無工作紙。
自家教學需要的唔係好多 exercise books或物資,我地簡簡單單用雪條棒或在$1 店買的普通用品就已經係物資仲可重用。例如圖中我們學D for Donut,我地就用紙箱當甜圈圈,加上紙碎或貼紙就可當一個活動讓小朋友記得D係for donut,貼紙又係小朋友的最愛。
People has asked me whether it is difficult to homeschool or not. I don’t really have an answer because I am just a newbie.
My oldest is just a preschooler now, so really technically it doesn’t really need a parent to have a bachelor degree to teach at all.
Preschoolers usually just focus on playing at this stage, they don’t really have the attention span to sit down and listen to teachers for a whole day.  Sometimes I feel sorry for kids in HK that they are in a classroom setting with chairs and table, feel so rigid and no flexibility. If you ask any kids, they would rather spend their whole day at playground.  If it is not society who molded and shaped the way it is now, really kids should not sit down and learn academic stuff at such an early age.
But then you will ask why do I start homeschooling with my preschooler then?
Technically, I cannot say we are really homeschool, it is almost like I create a new toy and game everyday with my kids to learn alphabets through games.  We only sit at the table for max 15-20 mins with story telling and fine motor, and counting skills. The reason I start is because her curiosity is so strong and she already learnt all her alphabets, colors and shapes by the age of 2, so if there is no new things or challenge for her, she would be bored.
Usually what a preschooler learns at this stage would be:
  1. Right or wrong
  2. Color
  3. Shapes
  4. Numbers
  5. Counting
  6. Cutting/Fine motor skills development
  7. Drawing
  8. Gross Motor skills development
  9. Reading story
  10. Recognizing sounds
  11. writing, tracing
  12. appreciate nature
  13. appreciate art
  14. Life skills
My oldest has mastered half of it already except tracing, so really every single kid is unique and I don’t believe that there is one way or one curriculum to teach them all the same. We custom made our “homeschooling” material, and we don’t do any paper work or exercise at such a young age.
Homeschooling doesn’t require a post-secondary institutional degree, it requires time and patience of the parent.
It doesn’t require you to be rich, we use simple materials that we bought at $1 store and we can reuse all the time. Like the picture, we use cardboard box to make the donut and use some color papers and stickers to do the decorations.  The last thing that it needs is a space that parent allows the kid to create.