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Chinese New Year Card Activity

Chinese New Year Card Activity

就快到農曆新年啦! 細細個發覺呢, 新年既節目係無乜啱小朋友玩,成日都係去人地屋企拜年,食飯,打機,睇電視,鋤大d, 魚蝦蟹,打麻……呢d都係賭錢的,唔係好適合小朋友玩既遊戲.係可以玩boardgame,因香港呢幾年慢慢become a trend…. 但係真係要玩d農曆有新年氣氛既真係無乜…所以我整左副同農曆新年有關既撲克牌.整呢個遊戲其實找一d我的既小朋友可以學數宇同新年既活動. 若你記得點玩蓋棉被就會知道點玩.你可收到我的店度下載. Enjoy!     It is almost Chinese New...
Fall Scavenger Hunt

Fall Scavenger Hunt

Fall is here! I have made a Fall theme learning shelf for the kids to play and learn. When I was cleaning up the shelf today, Mr 2.5 saw that I took the sensory box I made for Fall theme and he decided to play again with it. My Fall sensory box has leaves (in...
Allowances or Responsibility?

Allowances or Responsibility?

So when my current 4 years old was 2, we decided to start to develop her “economic” sense, so I made all these pictures and “coins” chart. You picked one of the chores and then you did it and you would earn the numbers of “coins”...
Importance of homeschooling

Importance of homeschooling

其實自家教學重要既唔係家長有幾高的學歷,同有幾叻,教小朋友最重要既係,家長的耐性同心機. 相入面既係我前幾日準備教囡囡 H for Hat的Gross Motor (大肌的)的游戲,有時候家長唔需要用好多錢都可以教到小朋友. 我用一個唔再用的container,撕去招紙再油上Cat in the Hat的顏色帽, 加上一個紙碟就變成一頂帽. 再把豆放入氣球入面做成豆袋就完成一個大肌的遊戲.       The most important thing about homeschooling is...
Learning Cantonese – Lesson 1

Learning Cantonese – Lesson 1

囡囡愛挑戰,每一日都挑戰我的腦袋去想一d有創意的野比佢玩或學. 我發現左我可以開始教佢廣東話,因學習語言係佢最大的挑戰及比佢的學習語言的遊戲當中,佢會比較玩得奈d. 今日我整了中文一至十的信封及雪條棒同埋一張中文數字一至十的表等佢做配對. 材料: 十個信封 (寫上1至10) 10枝雪條棒(寫上1至10) 1至10的中文表 (可按這裡download) 信封上寫上中文數字一至十,而雪條棒上寫羅馬數字1至10....