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5 Minutes New Toy

Feb 20, 2018 | Home activities

佢地每日都有驚喜比我,例如細佬上星期仲 SO的sentence structure,前日就已經SOO 或SVO.
親眼睇到及第一時間見到佢地的進步同埋改變係永遠令我覺得也許每日24/7 對住佢地,也許有辛苦的時刻都是值得的.
上星期我地仲做緊Love of God的theme,有用pipecleaner做左好多心心,除左我地用黎做 fishing hearts,我地可以用
Set up到好似相入面咁,呢個玩具可以手眼協調,我地可用pipecleaner做的心形或象根去比小朋友嘗試串入雪條棒,又可以教佢地不同顏色及做配對,又可教數數目,一舉4得…. XD

It is always my pleasure to be able to stay home and watch my two kids grow everyday.

They keep giving me surprises daily, for example, Mr.1.5 was able to make a “SO” sentence structure last week, two days ago, he now could do SOO or SVO sentence structure.

To be the first one to see how much they improvement daily and change, makes me feel that “Worth it” even though some days are harder than the other.  They won’t stop challenging me daily.

Today I made this “new toy” in 5 mins.

We were still learning in the theme of “Love of God” and one activity we used pipe cleaners to make a lot of hearts so I decided to change the tools for a different new activity for the youngest one.

Tools we need for this activity:

– Popsicle stikcs
– Thick cardboards (that were sticking around our house)
– Elastic
– Pipecleaner

So really, you just set it up like the pictures shown. This activity can train hand and eye coordination, we can make hearts through pipecleaners for them to put through the Popsicle sticks, and children can learn matching colors, counting, or for Ms.4 I can teach her recognize the spelling of the words and also different language.

It is definitely fun game, took me 5 mins to make but the kids played for a long long time!