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Art Lesson

Art Lesson

一直以黎,囡囡都愛創作, 聖誕節時我買了一個工具盒比佢,讓佢任何時間都去創作. 我估如果我仲係香港住的話,我相信大囡可能已經上了唔同的XX班. 我爸媽及其家人也可一早會話,做咩唔帶佢上堂….etcetc.但其實我的大囡喜歡自由,不愛單向的教學的style 特別係一個細細的城市度, 宜家叫做多左不同的公司或NGO都有offer教畫畫,但係我地兩公婆覺得咁細個,又唔係要佢咁快要master一d...
Valentine’s 2017

Valentine’s 2017

Happy Valentine’s Day! This year we are a family of 4! So obviously life is a little chaotic especially feeling sick isn’t a fun way or in a mood to celebrate even though I was planning to make a cake. Instead me and H did the heart shape sun catchers, we...