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Fall Scavenger Hunt

Fall Scavenger Hunt

Fall is here! I have made a Fall theme learning shelf for the kids to play and learn. When I was cleaning up the shelf today, Mr 2.5 saw that I took the sensory box I made for Fall theme and he decided to play again with it. My Fall sensory box has leaves (in...
Homemade glitter part I

Homemade glitter part I

有時不用出街玩,在家也可以玩得好開心。 夏天玩沙玩到悶,今日我們就玩新東西吧! 我用了Epsom鹽加了不同的Food Color,把白色的鹽變了彩虹顏色。 囡囡最愛的是染顏色的過程,相反要等他們乾的時候就是最難的時刻。 乾了之後就可以在白紙上畫上喜愛的圖案,在上面塗上膠水, 然後灑上小朋友喜愛的鹽就攪點了! 這個活動不需要買好貴的Kinetic Sand,也可以好天,不好天也可以玩, 囡囡玩足兩個早上。 這些染了色的鹽也可以當沙玩,而且就是一個很好的感觀活動,小朋友可以接觸不同質感的東西。...